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  Whether you would like to learn about the medicine wheel’s astronomy or tap into its sacred power, journey to Medicine Mountain in midsummer—the only time the site is accessible.

  Soothe Your Spirit

  Get an early start so you’ll reach the medicine wheel before dawn. As the sun rises, declare what you desire and then pray for the forbearance and fortitude to make it so.

  A Deeper Look

  The Bighorn Medicine Wheel is part of an expansive sacred complex that has been used by various Native American tribes for more than seven thousand years. Prayer ribbons tied onto a fence are a visual reminder of their belief in the power of this sacred site.

  Borobudur (Borobudur Park)

  Java, Indonesia

  Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely.

  —Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha (563–483 B.C.), father of Buddhism

  When viewed from above or a distance, Borobudur looks like a lavishly decorated, giant stone multilayer wedding cake whose round edges have been gently squared. This ancient (ca. A.D. 750) Buddhist temple is a nine-step pyramid carved out of a crag of volcanic basalt to form a three-dimensional mandala (diagram of the universe) topped by a Mahayana stupa (bell-shaped tower). Adorning the walls of the massive temple are 2 miles of carved reliefs (1,300 friezes) depicting the Buddha’s journey from Samsara (birth/knowing) to Nirvana (rebirth/enlightenment). In Mahayana tradition, Nirvana is not a Divine end, or heaven, where eternal safekeeping/well-being is bestowed. Rather, safekeeping/well-being is achieved through the infinite/circular journey of Oneness (sacred living).

  Whether you would like to see an astonishing sacred structure or to take a step forward in your journey to inner peace, visit Borobudur on the Kedu Plain of eastern Java. Fly from Jakarta or Bali to Yogyakarta Airport; travel by rental car, coach tour, bus, or taxi to the park.

  Soothe Your Spirit

  Take a sunrise tour and watch the mist rise from the ruins along with the sun. As you circumambulate your way through the temple, release your fears and feel the peace of faith fill you.

  A Deeper Look

  No one knows when or why the temple was abandoned; most likely, it was due to the eruption of one of three surrounding volcanoes. In 1914, a British statesman discovered Borobudur covered in volcanic ash.

  Bourges Cathedral

  Bourges, France

  And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep [died].

  —Bible, Acts 7:60

  This glorious Roman Catholic cathedral with some of the finest medieval stained glass windows of any church in France rises above the fertile Loire Valley in all its medieval Gothic grandeur with a long nave and flying buttresses. This cathedral is dedicated to Christianity’s first martyr Saint Stephen, stoned to death for blasphemy in A.D. 35.

  If you would like to ask Saint Stephen to assist you in praying for forgiveness for an infraction or to lift your spirit closer to the Divine, then come to Bourges Cathedral, located at Place Étienne Dolet in Bourges. Bourges is about 156 miles from Paris by automobile; take the A10 and then the A71 highway. The nearest airport is Tours Val de Loire. Or, take the train from the Austerlitz station in Paris.

  Soothe Your Spirit

  Notice the beautiful stained glass windows (nearly two dozen dated to the thirteenth century) of saints. In this sanctified shelter, pray for what you want to release and to call into your heart.

  A Deeper Look

  Elaborately carved sculptures (one reveals scenes from the life of Stephen) cover sections of the west facade.

  Brahma Temple

  Pushkar, Rajasthan, India

  The realm where eternal luster glows, in which the light divine is set—place me, Purifier, in that deathless, imperishable world.

  —Rig Veda, Book IX, Hymn 113:7

  This sacred fourteenth-century temple dedicated to Lord Brahma, Hindu god of creation, rests on a raised platform at the edge of holy Pushkar Lake. Thousands of pilgrims from all over India descend on Pushkar each year in October and November. This is a holy time when the faithful ritually purify body and soul by immersing in the lake water before praying before Brahma and perhaps leaving a silver coin engraved with the names of loved ones who have been born or have passed away during the year.

  Whether you have lost someone dear to you or you want to focus on creation (birth of a new project) and seek blessings, visit the Brahma Temple. The nearest airport is located in Jaipur, roughly 90 miles away and has regular service to Pushkar from major cities in India.

  Soothe Your Spirit

  Have a coin engraved with the name of your loved one or with your name or the name of your project. Leave the coin in the temple and expect Divine blessings to flow to you from the Hindu “Creator of the Universe.”

  A Deeper Look

  The temple is constructed of marble, features a red spire and the image of a hamsa, or goose, and shelters a silver turtle that holds engraved coins. Inside, there is a life-sized image of Brahma and a small cave dedicated to Lord Shiva and marked by a silver door.

  Buddha Tooth Relic Temple

  Republic of Singapore

  When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.

  —Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha (563–483 B.C.), father of Buddhism

  Before the passing of his physical body, the Buddha mentioned in the Mahaparinirvana Sutra that viewing his relics was as good as visiting him while he was alive because the subtle energy of his relics upon cremation would become crystallized and remain ever serene without further tainting by nature. In the relic chamber of the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, the Buddha’s relics of blood, bone, intestine, brain, and tongue are enshrined and showcased.

  If you believe your sense of safe passage through levels of spiritual evolution might improve from viewing the Buddha’s relics and feeling the sacred subtle energy that surrounds them, visit the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple. The temple is located at 288 South Bridge Road in Singapore and is easily accessible with public transportation.

  No photography, pets, or eating of meat is allowed on temple grounds. Dress appropriately; no bare skin should show, such as low-cut or backless tops or sleeveless blouses/dresses.

  Soothe Your Spirit

  Purchase incense or flowers in the Offering Shop after crossing the temple courtyard. Light a stick of incense or place flowers in the temple in front of the various Buddhas and bodhisattvas. Say a prayer with your offering and then visit the relic chamber.

  A Deeper Look

  The multistoried temple has many rooms and shrines, including a Buddhist cultural museum with many artifacts.

  Byodo-In Temple

  Oahu, Hawaii, United States

  The essence of love and compassion is understanding.

  —Thich Nhat Hanh (1926–), exiled Vietnamese Buddhist monk, scholar, poet, and peace activist

  A stroll through the beautiful grounds of the Byodo-In Temple awakens the senses and inspires devotion. The lush tropical Japanese-style garden, the shimmering koi pond, and the 3-ton brass peace bell are all sacred accoutrements of the Buddhist temple that sits in the shadow of the vapor-enshrouded, jade colored mountains. Inside the timeless temple, the 9-foot Lotus Buddha reposes in sublime bliss, seemingly absorbed yet ever-present for the whispered prayers of the faithful.

  Whether you seek an oasis of peace and love or just need to tune out the world for a while, the Lotus Buddha of Byodo-In awaits. There is a small fee to enter the temple grounds, but getting there from downtown Honolulu is easy by bus (an hour) or by rental car.

  Remove your shoes before entering the temple and refrain from talking or taking flash pictures. For the best photos of the temple’s exterior and garden, arrive in early morning when the sun is behind you.

  Soothe Your Spirit

  Light some incense, quiet your mind, and meditate on loving kindness, the practice of unconditional love for self, others, and the Divine.

  A Deeper Look

  Built in 1968 to honor Hawaii’s first immigrant settlers, Byodo-In replicates a 950-year-old Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. This nondenominational temple welcomes all people to worship, meditate, or simply enjoy the serene beauty of this sacred place.

  Canterbury Cathedral

  Canterbury, Kent, England

  I will lay thy stones with fair colours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires. And I will make thy windows of agates . . .

  —Bible, Isaiah 54:11–12

  Canterbury Cathedral, the Anglican Gothic-style cathedral in England, has been a site of worship since its founding in A.D. 602 by Saint Augustine. In 1170, while praying in the cathedral, Thomas Becket, the archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered by knights loyal to King Henry II. Within three days, miracles began to take place; their stories are depicted in a series of stained glass windows in the Trinity Chapel. For centuries, pilgrims have meditated on these windows as they seek a miracle, pray, or repent.

  If you feel sorry for some infraction and would like to offer your remorse to God, do so, and consider a pilgrimage to the church where the Holy Spirit is still felt and the windows still reflect light through Thomas Becket’s story. Fly to Kent, or from London take the Southeastern Railway from London Pancras to Canterbury West Station. Walk the remaining short distance. Alternatively, drive the M2 or M20 motorway into Canterbury.

  Soothe Your Spirit

  Take time to feel the deep spiritual energy of countless pilgrims who undertook soulful travel to pray here. Express the sorrow held by your spirit and feel your burden lift.

  A Deeper Look

  The Trinity Chapel enshrines the martyred Saint Thomas’s relics. Canterbury Cathedral is designated a World Heritage site.
br />   Cathedral-Basilica of Saint Louis King of France

  New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

  Louisianan brave men, this bell whose name is Victoire was molten in glorious memory of this day of January 8, 1815.

  —Inscription in French on the cathedral’s bell

  The Saint Louis Cathedral, the oldest cathedral in continuous use in America, was built over the remains of churches dating back to 1727. Located in the heart of New Orleans, the cathedral holds the crypts of notables of the city, members of the clergy, and the Capuchin Père Antoine, who spent his life laboring on behalf of the people of New Orleans. Wives, husbands, and children of early Louisiana colonists, settlers, and slaves were married, baptized, and mourned in the cathedral. Today, Masses may be requested, reserved, and said for a loved one. See the website at

  If you would like to see this New Orleans landmark and honor the families who pioneered and built the great city, visit the Saint Louis Cathedral at 615 Père Antoine Alley. Located near famous Bourbon Street within the French Quarter, and facing Jackson Square, the cathedral is easily accessible using public transportation or rental car.

  Soothe Your Spirit

  Attend a service in this lovely church with its gorgeous mosaics and other sacred art and let the holiness of the sanctuary speak directly to your spirit. Light a candle for the people of New Orleans.

  A Deeper Look

  When the cathedral collapsed around 1849 after a remodeling attempt, new construction began on the neo-Byzantine cathedral in 1907 using granite and marble as well as beautiful mosaics in the interior.

  Cathedral Church of Saint Canice

  Kilkenny City, County Kilkenny, Ireland

  The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

  —Bible, Nahum 1:7

  When Saint Columba and his fellow monks flailed in a storm at sea, the monks beseeched Columba to pray for their safety. He calmly replied that he would leave that to Saint Canice (who was eating his supper at the time on dry land). According to legend, Canice bolted upright, darted out of his house with one foot shoeless, and dashed into the church to pray for the brothers at sea, and soon the storm ended. Dedicated to Saint Canice, the medieval cathedral church in Kilkenny City is a Gothic jewel in the Close, a complex that includes a lovely old cemetery, a seventeenth-century cottage, a library, a round tower dating to A.D. 800 with 167 steps, and several other buildings.

  If you long for safe passage, shelter from a storm, or protection of any kind, come to the Cathedral Church of Saint Canice in the lovely hill country of Ireland.

  Soothe Your Spirit

  While in the cathedral, ask Saint Canice to carry your prayer for your safety and security to God. Purchase a Saint Canice medal or locket to keep or wear to remind you of the power of prayer.

  A Deeper Look

  Saint Canice’s Cathedral houses an important historical document that is relevant to the twentieth century: Ireland’s Memorial Records, seven volumes filled with the names of the Irish soldiers who fell during the First Great European War of 1914–1918.

  Cathedral of Christ the Light

  Oakland, California, United States

  When two texts, or two assertions, or perhaps, two ideas are in contradiction, be ready to reconcile them rather than cancel one by the other . . .

  —Marguerite Yourcenar (1903–1987), French author

  The Christ the Light Cathedral replaced the Cathedral of Saint Francis de Sales in Oakland, destroyed in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. The cathedral’s ultramodern look is nothing short of astonishing—the wood, glass, and steel structure resembles a bishop’s miter; the worship space is shaped like a vesica piscis (womb shape); and walls of wood louvers and glass flood the sanctuary with natural light.

  If you want to find a place of hope and renewal to fill a void left by a devastating loss, visit the Cathedral of Christ the Light, located at 2121 Harrison Street and Grand Avenue, across from Lake Merritt. The nearest airport is Oakland International. To get to the cathedral, take Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), as the Nineteenth Street station is six blocks from the church. If you drive, several nearby parking garages are available.

  Soothe Your Spirit

  Sit in the cathedral on a bright day to feel wrapped in a cocoon of loving, protective light while praying about your loss. Talk to a priest or spiritual adviser about relief, renewal, and regeneration.

  A Deeper Look

  The cathedral complex includes a public plaza and garden, the chancery offices including those of the Bishop’s Curia, a conference center, a café and shop, a mausoleum with crypts, and a clinic.

  Cathedral of Saint James

  Innsbruck, Austria

  Forsake me not, O Lord: O my God, be not far from me. Make haste to help me, O Lord my salvation.

  —Bible, Psalm 39:12–13

  The Cathedral of Saint James (Dom zu St. Jakob) astonishes visitors with its ornate four-tiered facade, clock towers, dramatic domes, ceiling murals, high marble altars, lavish gilt, carved altar, and lavish embellishments throughout. However, one of the most outstanding treasures of this angelic eighteenth-century baroque masterpiece is an exquisite painting entitled Maria Hilf (Mary of Succor) by the German master Lucas Cranach the Elder on the main altar.

  If you need aid or answers at this time in your life, visit the Cathedral of Saint James and view the icon. During the summer the cathedral opens from 10:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., except on Sundays and public holidays when it is open from 12:30 to 7:30 p.m. No tours or visits are allowed during services, and no photography is allowed inside the cathedral.

  Soothe Your Spirit

  Attend Mass and then sit quietly for a few moments gazing at the icon of Mary of Succor as you pray for the guidance or assistance you seek.

  A Deeper Look

  Built in 1717 to 1724, the cathedral’s sumptuous interior was created by two Munich artisans, brothers Cosmas Damian (a painter) and Egid Quirin Asam (a sculptor).

  Cathedral of the Madeleine

  Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

  Thou has turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou has put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness.

  —Bible, Psalm 30:11

  The stunning Gothic interior of the Cathedral of the Madeleine is a visual feast: white-marble altar with gold veining situated on a three-step marble riser, scrubbed and shined hardwood floors, a plethora of exquisite stained glass windows, delicately carved wooden screens and pews, sweeping arches, and colorful embellished columns combine to create a breathtaking sacred interior. Through its sacred art, this Utah treasure reminds those who step inside that Jesus stood at the heart of Mary Magdalene’s personal transformation story.

  Whether you would like to venerate Saint Mary Magdalene or see the awe-inspiring cathedral under her patronage in Utah, take time to visit this sacred place honoring the woman Jesus trusted and loved, as he did all his disciples. The cathedral is located at 331 East South Temple in Salt Lake City, not far from Temple Square and the Mormon Tabernacle. There is an international airport and good metropolitan transportation, including buses and taxis.